The Weight Loss Dilemma: How to Lose Weight Fast

The Weight Loss Dilemma: How to Lose Weight Fast
Are you happy with the numbers you see?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Does Fat Loss 4 Idiots Work?

The name is dumb, and I thought it was a scam. But I needed to lose weight for an upcoming function and I'd sort of plateued for a while, weight-loss-wise, so I thought I'd give FatLoss4Idiots a shot. I read all sorts of reviews before trying. Lots of people have had very good results. Some haven't, but the majority have, and I thought ok, it costs less than a good night out on the town, so I'll try it.

I have to be honest. I've always been a bit on the heavy side, and have tried all sorts of diets. On the fad diets, I felt weak and cranky. Later, I realised that this was because my diet was nutrient-poor. Or I just wasn't consuming enough calories. If you've been through this too, you might also know that this caused my body's metabolic rate to slow down considerably

So I lost some weight, but it was more water and lean muscle mass (which is actually very important to keep our metabolisms fired up). And when I started eating normally again, the weight would come back on, but get this, it would be mostly fat! Yuck, but true! Skinny fat is not pretty. The combination of eating less and a slower metabolism put my body into starvation mode, so whenever it got a hold of a little carbs or sugar, it would store the energy as fat in case I was going into starvation mode again soon! Talk about self-sabotage!

South Beach was the best-working for me, but I had a hard time with the low-carbs, no-sugar rule (I really dislike the taste of Equal, Splenda and the like; they taste fake to me). I avoided carbs & sugar for weeks, and lost about 20lbs, but whenever I had them again, even if it was only a little bit (like a small bowl of rice, 3 slices of bread or a cup of pasta), I'd find myself weighing 2lbs more the next day without fail! On one 3-day vacation, I put on 7lbs because of this! So I'd have to go back to Phase 1 all over again. After a while, I just stopped.

So I was pretty amazed that FatLoss4Idiots worked. I lost 8lbs in the first 11 days! And another 6lbs on my second cycle. It wasn't the 9lbs they claimed, but I figured that not everyone would get results like that anyway. Still, under a month is pretty darned good, right! And it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I will be posting more info in the coming days about stuff I've learned along the way.

I've gotten quite a few compliments, and many people have asked me how I did it, so I thought I'd set this page up to explain. Feel free to ask me questions. Just post your comments at the bottom and I'll get back to you. I'll post more explanations really soon to help you out. In the meantime, you can read more about FatLoss4idiots here.

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