Somewhere in my first cycle of Fat Loss 4 Idiots, I started the brisk walking that the program recommended. Not a lot, just now and then. I still felt heavy then, so I didn't feel really motivated to move.
During my second cycle, I started moving more. After dropping 10lbs, I really started to feel a difference in my knees. Stairs used to be really tough, but losing 10lbs made a huge difference to my knees. So I started to move more and incorporate more activity into my routine.
Towards the end of Cycle 2, I picked up a couple of DVDs that really got me on the Weight Loss Fast Track! I didn't want to talk about it at first cos you'll want to hear about results, I'm sure. I think Jillian Michaels really helped me drop more weight and achieve the 9lb loss on my 3rd Fat Loss 4 Idiots cycle!

I'd been watching Jillian on The Biggest Loser for years, and i always thought that if i could get my butt moving and actually get on a weight loss program, I'd want her to train me. Fat Loss 4 idiots takes care of what i eat and when, and also advocates brisk-walking, and that was fine to start for me, but on my 3rd cycle, i decided i wanted to ramp things up a bit.
The good thing about Jillian's workouts are obviously, they're on DVD. Watch and workout when you want. The exercises are also a good mix of things, so you work all body parts and really rev your metabolism. She's got a few programs. I have Jillian Michaels: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism and her 30-day Shred.
I'm busy. I have work and aging parents to look after, nieces who live down the street whom I spend a lot of time with. I wanted a workout that worked me in a short space of time intensely, and before I know it, I'm done. Jillian delivers. Plus, of course, I'm starting to see physical results too! Firmer all round... mm-hmmm!
I have to say though... Jillian can be really tough. If you've seen her on The Biggest Loser, you'll know what I mean. Generally, i need someone to push me to work out, so this's great for me. Her workout DVDs are not something you should jump into right away if you haven't moved much before. There are 3 workout level intensities, so you should build up to it gradually or you will be in pain for days after your first workout and never want to move again. Work up to it. After a week or two, you'll get into the swing of things.
Here's an excerpt of a couple of reviews from Amazon that sum up what I feel too.

Tough As Nails! You'll Love Every Second, February 3, 2009
By | Pampooty (NYC) - |
"...Here's the skinny: 7 six minute circuits, no weights, no equipment. Just you and some free space to jump around (you don't even need that much space; trust me, I live in a tiny NYC apartment and am completely able to do all the exercises). Each circuit is made up of a set of exercises performed twice before moving on to the next circuit: full body engagement, plyometrics and some serious core work mid-way through. But the focus is really on getting your heart rate up and Jillian delivers (my husband walked in after I was done and said he'd never seen my face so red before -- so beware! It's a tough enough workout that you might not look stunning immediately after; you can save the stunning for the beach this summer!)
Now, I should mention I have done JM's 30 Day Shred and love love love love it. There's no better way to get in a thorough workout in 22 minutes. This is not The Shred. There are many familiar exercises, but it's a much longer workout and the intensity is modulated to make it possible to keep going for the full 45+ minutes of the workout. I was intent on getting through the whole workout, so I can't speak to what the experience would be like for a beginner. But, the dvd is broken into chapters that split at each circuit, so theoretically, you can progressively build up as your stamina increases. I imagine I will have days when I'm pressed for time and just want to hit 3-4 of the circuits, and the chapters are designed to allow me to pick the ones I most like (or hate! depending on how tough they are!) ..."
Don't be scared of the other reviews, July 13, 2009
By |
"I ordered this video, but began to feel very nervous as I read the reviews. I questioned if I could handle it. The soreness and pain that people described seemed unbelievable. I received my DVD and was hesitant to start "shredding," but decided to go for it. I have to say, a lot of the reviews were a little bit harsh. I'm assuming that the worse the reviews were, the less active the reviewer was before this video. I work out about five times a week with weights and cardio, so I wasn't just jumping into this without any endurance. I think if you do have some fitness background, this won't be so terrible for you. DON'T BE AFRAID! I plan on doing the video in the morning and cardio at night. So far I love the routines and know I will see results...."
JM's hot in Amazon. If you want to get yourself a copy, click on any of the DVD covers you see on this page.

Lower Intensity Workouts
If you think Jillian Michaels is too much for you, give Leslie Sansone a go.
A friend of mine who took up Fat Loss 4 Idiots after she saw me lose weight got Leslie's DVD and is very happy with that. Leslie shows you how to lose weight through walking, which is the main exercise advocated by Fat Loss 4 Idiots. Lower intensity, but still gets your heart rate up and helps you lose weight.
Between Jillian and Leslie, I'm sure you'll find some exercise that's right for you.